
Ytamar is a certified 200h and 300h YTTC from Spain, and India. He started practicing meditation when he was eighteen years of age, mainly from a spiritual perspective. Then after he studied many spiritual traditions, and came to the conclusion that they all teach the exact same thing at the core.

​Later, he got interested in yoga, especially traditional yoga, or as a mystic calls it, “Antar Yoga”. “Antar” means inner, so it is a practice that focuses on our spiritual side but does not forget the exterior nonetheless.

He is an Old and gentle yogi with a great passion for sharing his knowledge, however small it may be.

Upcoming Programs by Ytamar

4 Days Meditation Retreat in English - Hessen Germany

August 22 - 25, 2024

Gaia meditation retreat is a practical training for inner life, based on systematic, methodological, and complete practice from the Himalaya tradition that leads beyond the thought process into higher consciousness from which we can find guidance, creative power, and joy.  This training prepares the body and mind for meditation through traditional yogic methods for body […]